Source code for borneo.auth

# Copyright (c) 2018, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from .common import CheckValue, HttpConstants
from .exception import IllegalArgumentException

[docs]class AuthorizationProvider(object): """ AuthorizationProvider is a callback interface used by the driver to obtain an authorization string for a request. It is called when an authorization string is required. In general applications need not implement this interface, instead using the default mechanisms. Instances of this interface must be reentrant and thread-safe. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def close(self): """ Closes the authorization provider and releases any resources it may be using. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_authorization_string(self, request=None): """ Returns an authorization string for the specified request. The string is sent to the server in the request and is used for authorization. Authorization information can be request-dependent. :param request: the request to be issued. This is an instance of :py:meth:`Request`. :type request: Request :returns: a string indicating that the application is authorized to perform the request. :rtype: str """ pass
[docs] def set_logger(self, logger): """ Sets a logger instance for this provider. If not set, the logger associated with the driver is used. :param logger: the logger to use. :type logger: Logger :returns: self. :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if logger is not an instance of Logger. """ return self
[docs] def get_logger(self): """ Returns the logger of this provider if set, None if not. :returns: the logger. :rtype: Logger or None """ pass
def validate_auth_string(self, auth_string): """ Validates the authentication string. This method is optional and by default it just allows a non-none string. :param auth_string: the auth string to be validated. :type auth_string: str :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if input is not a string or none. """ if not CheckValue.is_str(auth_string): raise IllegalArgumentException( 'Configured AuthorizationProvider requires a non-none string.') def set_required_headers(self, request, auth_string, headers): """ Internal use only. Set HTTP headers required by the provider. :param request: the request being processed. :type request: Request :param auth_string: the auth string. :type auth_string: str :param headers: the HTTP headers. :type headers: dict """ if auth_string is not None: headers[HttpConstants.AUTHORIZATION] = auth_string