Source code for borneo.common

# Copyright (c) 2018, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import wraps
from logging import Logger
from struct import pack, unpack
from threading import Lock
from time import time
from warnings import simplefilter, warn

from dateutil import tz
from requests import adapters

from .exception import IllegalArgumentException

def enum(**enums):
    return type('Enum', (object,), enums)

def deprecated(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        simplefilter('default', DeprecationWarning)
        warn("Call to deprecated function {}.".format(func.__name__),
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def synchronized(func):
    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        with self.lock:
            return func(self, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

class ByteInputStream(object):
    The ByteInputStream provides methods to get data with different type from
    a bytearray.

    def __init__(self, content):
        self._content = content
        self._offset = 0

    def get_content(self):
        return self._content

    def get_offset(self):
        return self._offset

    def read_boolean(self):
        res = bool(self.read_byte())
        return res

    def read_byte(self):
        res = self._content[self._offset]
        self._offset += 1
        if res > 127:
            return res - 256
            return res

    def read_float(self):
        buf = bytearray(8)
        res, = unpack('>d', buf)
        return res

    def read_fully(self, buf, start=0, end=None):
        if end is None:
            end = len(buf)
        for index in range(start, end):
            buf[index] = self._content[self._offset]
            self._offset += 1

    def read_int(self):
        buf = bytearray(4)
        res, = unpack('>i', buf)
        return res

    def read_long(self):
        buf = bytearray(8)
        res, = unpack('>q', buf)
        return res

    def read_short_int(self):
        buf = bytearray(2)
        res, = unpack('>h', buf)
        return res

    def set_offset(self, offset):
        self._offset = offset

    def skip(self, length):
        self._offset += length

class ByteOutputStream(object):
    The ByteOutputStream provides methods to write data with different type into
    a bytearray.

    def __init__(self, content):
        self._content = content

    def get_content(self):
        return self._content

    def get_offset(self):
        return len(self._content)

    def write_boolean(self, value):
        val_s = pack('?', value)

    def write_byte(self, value):
        val_s = pack('B', value)

    def write_bytearray(self, value, start=0, end=None):
        # optimize (?) full concatenate
        if start == 0 and end is None:

        if end is None:
            end = len(value)
        for index in range(start, end):

    def write_float(self, value):
        val_s = pack('>d', value)

    def write_int(self, value):
        val_s = pack('>i', value)

    def write_int_at_offset(self, offset, value):
        val_s = pack('>i', value)
        val_b = bytearray(val_s)
        for index in range(len(val_b)):
            self._content[offset + index] = val_b[index]

    def write_short_int(self, value):
        val_s = pack('>h', value)

    def write_value(self, value):
        val_b = bytearray(value)

    def get_byte_at(self, index):
        return self._content[index]

    def get_last_byte(self):
        return self._content[-1]

class CheckValue(object):

    def check_boolean(data, name):
        if data is not True and data is not False:
            raise IllegalArgumentException(name + ' must be True or False.')

    def check_dict(data, name):
        if data is not None and not isinstance(data, dict):
            raise IllegalArgumentException(name + ' must be a dict.')

    def check_float_gt_zero(data, name):
        if not CheckValue.is_digit(data) or data <= 0.0:
            raise IllegalArgumentException(
                name + ' must be a positive digital number. Got:' + str(data))

    def check_int(data, name):
        if not isinstance(data, int):
            raise IllegalArgumentException(
                name + ' must be an integer. Got:' + str(data))

    def check_int_ge_zero(data, name):
        if not isinstance(data, int) or data < 0:
            raise IllegalArgumentException(
                name + ' must be an integer that is not negative. Got:' +

    def check_int_gt_zero(data, name):
        if not isinstance(data, int) or data <= 0:
            raise IllegalArgumentException(
                name + ' must be an positive integer. Got:' + str(data))

    def check_list(data, name):
        if not isinstance(data, list):
            raise IllegalArgumentException(name + ' must be a list.')

    def check_logger(data, name):
        if data is not None and not isinstance(data, Logger):
            raise IllegalArgumentException(name + ' must be a Logger.')

    def check_not_none(data, name):
        if data is None:
            raise IllegalArgumentException(name + ' must be not-none.')

    def check_str(data, name, allow_none=False):
        if (not allow_none and data is None or data is not None and
                (not CheckValue.is_str(data) or len(data) == 0)):
            raise IllegalArgumentException(
                name + ' must be a string that is not empty.')

    def is_digit(data):
        if (isinstance(data, int) or
                isinstance(data, float) or isinstance(data, Decimal)):
            return True
        return False

    # returns True if the data is of type int and its value is in the
    # range of a 32-bit integer
    def is_int_value(data):
        if (isinstance(data, int) and
                -pow(2, 31) <= data < pow(2, 31)):
            return True
        return False

    # returns True if the data is of type int and its value is larger than
    # that of a 32-bit integer and in the range of a 64-bit integer
    # NOTE: It is sufficient to just validate that it's an int and
    # is out of range for a 32-bit integer value
    def is_long_value(data):
        if (isinstance(data, int) and
                not CheckValue.is_int_value(data)):
            return True
        return False

    def is_overlong(data):
        if (isinstance(data, int) and
                (data < -pow(2, 63) or data >= pow(2, 63))):
            return True
        return False

    def is_str(data):
        return isinstance(data, str)

[docs] class Consistency(object): """ Set the consistency for read requests. """ ABSOLUTE = 0 """ Set Consistency.ABSOLUTE to use absolute consistency for read requests. """ EVENTUAL = 1 """ Set Consistency.EVENTUAL to use eventual consistency for read requests. This is the default value for operations. """
class Empty(object): """ Represents an EMPTY field value. """ def __str__(self): return 'Empty'
[docs] class FieldRange(object): """ FieldRange defines a range of values to be used in a :py:meth:`NoSQLHandle.multi_delete` operation, as specified in :py:meth:`MultiDeleteRequest.set_range`. FieldRange is only relevant if a primary key has multiple components because all values in the range must share the same shard key. FieldRange is used as the least significant component in a partially specified key value in order to create a value range for an operation that returns multiple rows or keys. The data types supported by FieldRange are limited to the atomic types which are valid for primary keys. The least significant component of a key is the first component of the key that is not fully specified. For example, if the primary key for a table is defined as the tuple (a, b, c), a FieldRange can be specified for "a" if the primary key supplied is empty. A FieldRange can be specified for "b" if the primary key supplied to the operation has a concrete value for "a" but not for "b" or "c". This object is used to scope a :py:meth:`NoSQLHandle.multi_delete` operation. The field_path specified must name a field in a table's primary key. The values used must be of the same type and that type must match the type of the field specified. Validation of this object is performed when is it used in an operation. Validation includes verifying that the field is in the required key and, in the case of a composite key, that the field is in the proper order relative to the key used in the operation. :param field_path: the path to the field used in the range. :type field_path: str :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if field_path is not a string. """ def __init__(self, field_path): # Create a value based on a specific field. CheckValue.check_str(field_path, 'field_path') self._field_path = field_path self._start = None self._start_inclusive = False self._end = None self._end_inclusive = False def __str__(self): return ('{Path=' + self._field_path + ', Start=' + str(self._start) + ', End=' + str(self._end) + ', StartInclusive=' + str(self._start_inclusive) + ', EndInclusive=' + str(self._end_inclusive) + '}')
[docs] def get_field_path(self): """ Returns the name for the field used in the range. :returns: the name of the field. :rtype: str """ return self._field_path
[docs] def set_start(self, value, is_inclusive): """ Sets the start value of the range to the specified value. :param value: the value to set. :type value: any :param is_inclusive: set to True if the range is inclusive of the value, False if it is exclusive. :type is_inclusive: bool :returns: self. :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if parameters are not expected type. """ CheckValue.check_not_none(value, 'value') CheckValue.check_boolean(is_inclusive, 'is_inclusive') self._start = value self._start_inclusive = is_inclusive return self
[docs] def get_start(self): """ Returns the field value that defines lower bound of the range, or None if no lower bound is enforced. :returns: the start field value. """ return self._start
[docs] def get_start_inclusive(self): """ Returns whether start is included in the range, i.e., start is less than or equal to the first field value in the range. This value is valid only if the start value is not None. :returns: True if the start value is inclusive. :rtype: bool """ return self._start_inclusive
[docs] def set_end(self, value, is_inclusive): """ Sets the end value of the range to the specified value. :param value: the value to set. :type value: any :param is_inclusive: set to True if the range is inclusive of the value, False if it is exclusive. :type is_inclusive: bool :returns: self. :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if parameters are not expected type. """ CheckValue.check_not_none(value, 'value') CheckValue.check_boolean(is_inclusive, 'is_inclusive') self._end = value self._end_inclusive = is_inclusive return self
[docs] def get_end(self): """ Returns the field value that defines upper bound of the range, or None if no upper bound is enforced. :returns: the end field value. """ return self._end
[docs] def get_end_inclusive(self): """ Returns whether end is included in the range, i.e., end is greater than or equal to the last field value in the range. This value is valid only if the end value is not None. :returns: True if the end value is inclusive. :rtype: bool """ return self._end_inclusive
def validate(self): # Ensures that the object is self-consistent and if not, throws # IllegalArgumentException. Validation of the range values themselves is # done remotely. start_type = None if self._start is None else type(self._start) end_type = None if self._end is None else type(self._end) if start_type is None and end_type is None: raise IllegalArgumentException( 'FieldRange: must specify a start or end value.') if (start_type is not None and end_type is not None and start_type is not end_type): raise IllegalArgumentException( 'FieldRange: Mismatch of start and end types. Start type is ' + str(start_type) + ', end type is ' + str(end_type))
class HttpConstants(object): # The name of the Authorization header. AUTHORIZATION = 'Authorization' # The name of the date header. DATE = 'date' # The current version of the protocol NOSQL_VERSION = 'V2' # The name of the opc obo token header. OPC_OBO_TOKEN = 'opc-obo-token' # A header for transferring the compartment id on an http request. REQUEST_COMPARTMENT_ID = 'x-nosql-compartment-id' # The http header that identifies the client scoped unique request id # associated with each request. The request header is returned by the # server, as part of the response and serves to associate the response with # the request. # # Note: We could use stream ids to associate a request and response. # However, the current handler pipeline on the client side operates at the # http level rather than the frame level, and consequently does not have # access to the stream id. REQUEST_ID_HEADER = 'x-nosql-request-id' # The name of the (request-target) header. REQUEST_TARGET = '(request-target)' # Default namespace header REQUEST_NAMESPACE_HEADER = 'x-nosql-default-ns' # Proxy version info RESPONSE_PROXY_INFO = 'x-nosql-version' # Creates a URI path from the arguments def _make_path(*args): path = args[0] for index in range(1, len(args)): path += '/' + args[index] return path # The base path to the on-premise security services. All users need a # leading "/" so add it here. KV_SECURITY_PATH = _make_path('/' + NOSQL_VERSION, 'nosql/security') # The path denoting a NoSQL request NOSQL_DATA_PATH = _make_path(NOSQL_VERSION, 'nosql/data')
[docs] class IndexInfo(object): """ IndexInfo represents the information about a single index including its name, field names and field types. Instances of this class are returned in :py:class:`GetIndexesResult`. """ def __init__(self, index_name, field_names, field_types=None): self._index_name = index_name self._field_names = field_names self._field_types = field_types def __str__(self): return ('IndexInfo [indexName=' + self._index_name + ', fields=[' + ','.join(self._field_names) + ']]')
[docs] def get_index_name(self): """ Returns the name of the index. :returns: the index name. :rtype: str """ return self._index_name
[docs] def get_field_names(self): """ Returns the list of field names that define the index. :returns: the field names. :rtype: list(str) """ return self._field_names
def get_field_types(self): """ Returns the list of types of fields that define the index. :returns: the field types. :rtype: list(str) :versionadded: 5.4.0 """ return self._field_types
class JsonNone(object): """ Represents an JSON NONE field value. """ def __str__(self): return 'JsonNone' class LogUtils(object): # Utility methods to facilitate Logging. def __init__(self, logger=None): self._logger = logger def log_critical(self, msg): if self._logger is not None: self._logger.critical(msg) def log_error(self, msg): if self._logger is not None: self._logger.error(msg) def log_warning(self, msg): if self._logger is not None: self._logger.warning(msg) def log_info(self, msg): if self._logger is not None: def log_debug(self, msg): if self._logger is not None: self._logger.debug(msg) def is_enabled_for(self, level): return self._logger is not None and self._logger.isEnabledFor(level) def set_level(self, level): return self._logger is not None and self._logger.setLevel(level) def get_logger(self): return self._logger class Memoize(object): # A cache that used for saving the access token. def __init__(self, duration=60): self._cache = {} self._duration = duration self.lock = Lock() @synchronized def set(self, key, value): self._cache[key] = {'value': value, 'time': time()} @synchronized def get(self, key): if key in self._cache and not self._is_obsolete(self._cache[key]): return self._cache[key]['value'] return None def _is_obsolete(self, entry): return time() - entry['time'] > self._duration class PackedInteger(object): # The maximum number of bytes needed to store an int value (5). MAX_LENGTH = 5 # The maximum number of bytes needed to store a long value (9). MAX_LONG_LENGTH = 9 @staticmethod def write_sorted_int(buf, offset, value): """ Writes a packed sorted integer starting at the given buffer offset and returns the next offset to be written. :param buf: the buffer to write to. :type buf: bytearray :param offset: the offset in the buffer at which to start writing. :type offset: int :param value: the integer to be written. :type value: int :returns: the offset past the bytes written. :rtype: int Values in the inclusive range [-119,120] are stored in a single byte. For values outside that range, the first byte stores the number of additional bytes. The additional bytes store (value + 119 for negative and value - 121 for positive) as an unsigned big endian integer. """ b1 = offset offset += 1 if value < -119: """ If the value < -119, then first adjust the value by adding 119. Then the adjusted value is stored as an unsigned big endian integer. """ value += 119 """ Store the adjusted value as an unsigned big endian integer. For an negative integer, from left to right, the first significant byte is the byte which is not equal to 0xFF. Also please note that, because the adjusted value is stored in big endian integer, we extract the significant byte from left to right. In the left to right order, if the first byte of the adjusted value is a significant byte, it will be stored in the 2nd byte of the buf. Then we will look at the 2nd byte of the adjusted value to see if this byte is the significant byte, if yes, this byte will be stored in the 3rd byte of the buf, and the like. """ if value | 0x00FFFFFF != 0xFFFFFFFF: buf[offset] = value >> 24 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value | 0x0000FFFF != 0xFFFFFFFF: buf[offset] = value >> 16 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value | 0x000000FF != 0xFFFFFFFF: buf[offset] = value >> 8 & 0xFF offset += 1 buf[offset] = value & 0xFF offset += 1 """ value_len is the length of the value part stored in buf. Because the first byte of buf is used to stored the length, we need to subtract one. """ value_len = offset - b1 - 1 """ The first byte stores the number of additional bytes. Here we store the result of 0x08 - value_len, rather than directly store value_len. The reason is to implement natural sort order for byte-by-byte comparison. """ buf[b1] = (0x08 - value_len) & 0xFF elif value > 120: """ If the value > 120, then first adjust the value by subtracting 121. Then the adjusted value is stored as an unsigned big endian integer. """ value -= 121 """ Store the adjusted value as an unsigned big endian integer. For a positive integer, from left to right, the first significant byte is the byte which is not equal to 0x00. In the left to right order, if the first byte of the adjusted value is a significant byte, it will be stored in the 2nd byte of the buf. Then we will look at the 2nd byte of the adjusted value to see if this byte is the significant byte, if yes, this byte will be stored in the 3rd byte of the buf, and the like. """ if value & 0xFF000000 != 0: buf[offset] = value >> 24 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value & 0xFFFF0000 != 0: buf[offset] = value >> 16 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value & 0xFFFFFF00 != 0: buf[offset] = value >> 8 & 0xFF offset += 1 buf[offset] = value & 0xFF offset += 1 """ value_len is the length of the value part stored in buf. Because the first byte of buf is used to stored the length, we need to subtract one. """ value_len = offset - b1 - 1 """ The first byte stores the number of additional bytes. Here we store the result of 0xF7 + value_len, rather than directly store value_len. The reason is to implement natural sort order for byte-by-byte comparison. """ buf[b1] = (0xF7 + value_len) & 0xFF else: """ If -119 <= value <= 120, only one byte is needed to store the value. The stored value is the original value plus 127. """ buf[b1] = (value + 127) & 0xFF return offset @staticmethod def write_sorted_long(buf, offset, value): """ Writes a packed sorted long integer starting at the given buffer offset and returns the next offset to be written. :param buf: the buffer to write to. :type buf: bytearray :param offset: the offset in the buffer at which to start writing. :type offset: int :param value: the long integer to be written. :type value: int :returns: the offset past the bytes written. :rtype: int Values in the inclusive range [-119,120] are stored in a single byte. For values outside that range, the first byte stores the number of additional bytes. The additional bytes store (value + 119 for negative and value - 121 for positive) as an unsigned big endian integer. """ b1 = offset offset += 1 if value < -119: """ If the value < -119, then first adjust the value by adding 119. Then the adjusted value is stored as an unsigned big endian integer. """ value += 119 """ Store the adjusted value as an unsigned big endian integer. For an negative integer, from left to right, the first significant byte is the byte which is not equal to 0xFF. Also please note that, because the adjusted value is stored in big endian integer, we extract the significant byte from left to right. In the left to right order, if the first byte of the adjusted value is a significant byte, it will be stored in the 2nd byte of the buf. Then we will look at the 2nd byte of the adjusted value to see if this byte is the significant byte, if yes, this byte will be stored in the 3rd byte of the buf, and the like. """ if value | 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF: buf[offset] = value >> 56 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value | 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF: buf[offset] = value >> 48 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value | 0x000000FFFFFFFFFF != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF: buf[offset] = value >> 40 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value | 0x00000000FFFFFFFF != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF: buf[offset] = value >> 32 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value | 0x0000000000FFFFFF != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF: buf[offset] = value >> 24 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value | 0x000000000000FFFF != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF: buf[offset] = value >> 16 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value | 0x00000000000000FF != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF: buf[offset] = value >> 8 & 0xFF offset += 1 buf[offset] = value & 0xFF offset += 1 """ value_len is the length of the value part stored in buf. Because the first byte of buf is used to stored the length, so we need to minus one. """ value_len = offset - b1 - 1 """ The first byte stores the number of additional bytes. Here we store the result of 0x08 - value_len, rather than directly store value_len. The reason is to implement nature sort order for byte-by-byte comparison. """ buf[b1] = (0x08 - value_len) & 0xFF elif value > 120: """ If the value > 120, then first adjust the value by subtracting 119. Then the adjusted value is stored as an unsigned big endian integer. """ value -= 121 """ Store the adjusted value as an unsigned big endian integer. For a positive integer, from left to right, the first significant byte is the byte which is not equal to 0x00. In the left to right order, if the first byte of the adjusted value is a significant byte, it will be stored in the 2nd byte of the buf. Then we will look at the 2nd byte of the adjusted value to see if this byte is the significant byte, if yes, this byte will be stored in the 3rd byte of the buf, and the like. """ if value & 0xFF00000000000000 != 0: buf[offset] = value >> 56 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value & 0xFFFF000000000000 != 0: buf[offset] = value >> 48 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value & 0xFFFFFF0000000000 != 0: buf[offset] = value >> 40 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 != 0: buf[offset] = value >> 32 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value & 0xFFFFFFFFFF000000 != 0: buf[offset] = value >> 24 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000 != 0: buf[offset] = value >> 16 & 0xFF offset += 1 if value & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00 != 0: buf[offset] = value >> 8 & 0xFF offset += 1 buf[offset] = value & 0xFF offset += 1 """ value_en is the length of the value part stored in buf. Because the first byte of buf is used to stored the length, so we need to minus one. """ value_len = offset - b1 - 1 """ The first byte stores the number of additional bytes. Here we store the result of 0xF7 + value_len, rather than directly store value_len. The reason is to implement nature sort order for byte-by-byte comparison. """ buf[b1] = (0xF7 + value_len) & 0xFF else: """ If -119 <= value <= 120, only one byte is needed to store the value. The stored value is the original value adds 127. """ buf[b1] = (value + 127) & 0xFF return offset @staticmethod def get_read_sorted_int_length(buf, offset): """ Returns the number of bytes that would be read by :py:meth:`read_sorted_int`. Because the length is stored in the first byte, this method may be called with only the first byte of the packed integer in the given buffer. This method only accesses one byte at the given offset. :param buf: the buffer to read from. :type buf: bytearray :param offset: the offset in the buffer at which to start reading. :type offset: int :returns: the number of bytes that would be read. :rtype: int """ # The first byte of the buf stores the length of the value part. b1 = buf[offset] & 0xff if b1 < 0x08: return 1 + 0x08 - b1 if b1 > 0xf7: return 1 + b1 - 0xf7 return 1 @staticmethod def get_read_sorted_long_length(buf, offset): """ Returns the number of bytes that would be read by :py:meth:`read_sorted_long`. Because the length is stored in the first byte, this method may be called with only the first byte of the packed integer in the given buffer. This method only accesses one byte at the given offset. :param buf: the buffer to read from. :type buf: bytearray :param offset: the offset in the buffer at which to start reading. :type offset: int :returns: the number of bytes that would be read. :rtype: int """ # The length is stored in the same way for int and long. return PackedInteger.get_read_sorted_int_length(buf, offset) @staticmethod def read_sorted_int(buf, offset): """ Reads a sorted packed integer at the given buffer offset and returns it. :param buf: the buffer to read from. :type buf: bytearray :param offset: the offset in the buffer at which to start reading. :type offset: int :returns: the integer that was read. :rtype: int """ # The first byte of the buf stores the length of the value part. b1 = buf[offset] & 0xff offset += 1 # Adjust the byte_len to the real length of the value part. if b1 < 0x08: byte_len = 0x08 - b1 negative = True elif b1 > 0xf7: byte_len = b1 - 0xf7 negative = False else: return b1 - 127 """ The following bytes on the buf store the value as a big endian integer. We extract the significant bytes from the buf and put them into the value in big endian order. """ if negative: value = -1 else: value = 0 if byte_len > 3: value = (value << 8) | (buf[offset] & 0xFF) offset += 1 if byte_len > 2: value = (value << 8) | (buf[offset] & 0xFF) offset += 1 if byte_len > 1: value = (value << 8) | (buf[offset] & 0xFF) offset += 1 value = (value << 8) | (buf[offset] & 0xFF) offset += 1 """ After get the adjusted value, we have to adjust it back to the original value. """ if negative: value -= 119 else: value += 121 return value @staticmethod def read_sorted_long(buf, offset): """ Reads a sorted packed long integer at the given buffer offset and returns it. :param buf: the buffer to read from. :type buf: bytearray :param offset: the offset in the buffer at which to start reading. :type offset: int :returns: the long integer that was read. :rtype: int """ # The first byte of the buf stores the length of the value part. b1 = buf[offset] & 0xff offset += 1 # Adjust the byte_len to the real length of the value part. if b1 < 0x08: byte_len = 0x08 - b1 negative = True elif b1 > 0xf7: byte_len = b1 - 0xf7 negative = False else: return b1 - 127 """ The following bytes on the buf store the value as a big endian integer. We extract the significant bytes from the buf and put them into the value in big endian order. """ if negative: value = -1 else: value = 0 if byte_len > 7: value = (value << 8) | (buf[offset] & 0xFF) offset += 1 if byte_len > 6: value = (value << 8) | (buf[offset] & 0xFF) offset += 1 if byte_len > 5: value = (value << 8) | (buf[offset] & 0xFF) offset += 1 if byte_len > 4: value = (value << 8) | (buf[offset] & 0xFF) offset += 1 if byte_len > 3: value = (value << 8) | (buf[offset] & 0xFF) offset += 1 if byte_len > 2: value = (value << 8) | (buf[offset] & 0xFF) offset += 1 if byte_len > 1: value = (value << 8) | (buf[offset] & 0xFF) offset += 1 value = (value << 8) | (buf[offset] & 0xFF) offset += 1 """ After obtaining the adjusted value, we have to adjust it back to the original value. """ if negative: value -= 119 else: value += 121 return value
[docs] class PreparedStatement(object): """ A class encapsulating a prepared query statement. It includes state that can be sent to a server and executed without re-parsing the query. It includes bind variables which may be set for each successive use of the query. The prepared query itself is read-only but this object contains a dictionary of bind variables and is not thread-safe if variables are used. PreparedStatement instances are returned inside :py:class:`PrepareResult` objects returned by :py:meth:`NoSQLHandle.prepare` A single instance of PreparedStatement is thread-safe if bind variables are not used. If bind variables are to be used and the statement shared among threads additional instances of PreparedStatement can be constructed using :py:meth:`copy_statement`. """ OPCODE_SELECT = 5 def __init__(self, sql_text, query_plan, query_schema, topology_info, proxy_statement, driver_plan, num_iterators, num_registers, external_vars, namespace, table_name, operation): """ Constructs a PreparedStatement. Construction is hidden to eliminate application access to the underlying statement, reducing the chance of corruption. """ # 10 is arbitrary. TODO: put magic number in it for validation? if proxy_statement is None or len(proxy_statement) < 10: raise IllegalArgumentException( 'Invalid prepared query, cannot be None.') self._sql_text = sql_text self._query_plan = query_plan self._query_schema = query_schema # Applicable to advanced queries only. self._topology_info = topology_info # The serialized PreparedStatement created at the backend store. It is # opaque for the driver. It is received from the proxy and sent back to # the proxy every time a new batch of results is needed. self._proxy_statement = proxy_statement # The part of the query plan that must be executed at the driver. It is # received from the proxy when the query is prepared there. It is # deserialized by the driver and not sent back to the proxy again. # Applicable to advanced queries only. self._driver_query_plan = driver_plan # The number of iterators in the full query plan # Applicable to advanced queries only. self._num_iterators = num_iterators # The number of registers required to run the full query plan. # Applicable to advanced queries only. self._num_registers = num_registers # Maps the name of each external variable to its id, which is a position # in a field value array stored in the RuntimeControlBlock and holding # the values of the variables. Applicable to advanced queries only. self._variables = external_vars # The values for the external variables of the query. This dict is # populated by the application. It is sent to the proxy every time a new # batch of results is needed. The values in this dict are also placed in # the RuntimeControlBlock field value array, just before the query # starts its execution at the driver. self._bound_variables = None self._namespace = namespace self._table_name = table_name self._operation = operation self.lock = Lock()
[docs] def clear_variables(self): """ Clears all bind variables from the statement. """ if self._bound_variables is not None: self._bound_variables.clear()
[docs] def copy_statement(self): """ Returns a new instance that shares this object's prepared query, which is immutable, but does not share its variables. :returns: a new PreparedStatement using this instance's prepared query. Bind variables are uninitialized. :rtype: PreparedStatement """ return PreparedStatement( self._sql_text, self._query_plan, self._query_schema, self._topology_info, self._proxy_statement, self._driver_query_plan, self._num_iterators, self._num_registers, self._variables, self._namespace, self._table_name, self._operation)
def does_writes(self): # if it's not SELECT, it does writes. return self._operation != PreparedStatement.OPCODE_SELECT def driver_plan(self): return self._driver_query_plan def get_namespace(self): # Return namespace from prepared statement, if any. return self._namespace
[docs] def get_query_plan(self): """ Returns a string representation of the query execution plan, if it was requested in the :py:class:`PrepareRequest`; None otherwise. :returns: the string representation of the query execution plan. :rtype: bool """ return self._query_plan
def get_query_schema(self): """ Returns a string representation of the query schema if it was requested in the :py:class:`PrepareRequest`; None otherwise. :returns: the string representation of the query schema. :rtype: bool :versionadded: 5.4.0 """ return self._query_schema
[docs] def get_sql_text(self): """ Returns the SQL text of this PreparedStatement. :returns: the SQL text of this PreparedStatement. :rtype: str """ return self._sql_text
def get_statement(self): # internal use to return the serialized, prepared query, opaque return self._proxy_statement def get_table_name(self): # Return table name from prepared statement, if any. return self._table_name
[docs] def get_variables(self): """ Returns the dictionary of variables to use for a prepared query with variables. :returns: the dictionary. :rtype: dict """ return self._bound_variables
def get_variable_values(self): if self._bound_variables is None: return None values = [0] * len(self._bound_variables) for key in self._bound_variables: varid = self._variables.get(key) values[varid] = self._bound_variables[key] return values def is_simple_query(self): return self._driver_query_plan is None def num_iterators(self): return self._num_iterators def num_registers(self): return self._num_registers def print_driver_plan(self): if self._driver_query_plan is not None: return self._driver_query_plan.display() return None @synchronized def set_topology_info(self, topology_info): if topology_info is None: return if self._topology_info is None: self._topology_info = topology_info return if self._topology_info.get_seq_num() < topology_info.get_seq_num(): self._topology_info = topology_info
[docs] def set_variable(self, variable, value): """ Binds an external variable to a given value. The variable is identified by its name or its position within the query string. The variable that appears first in the query text has position 1, the variable that appears second has position 2 and so on. :param variable: the name or the position of the variable. :type variable: str or int :param value: the value. :type value: a value matching the type of the field :returns: self. :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if variable is not a string or positive integer. """ if (not (CheckValue.is_str(variable) or CheckValue.is_int_value(variable)) or CheckValue.is_int_value(variable) and variable <= 0): raise IllegalArgumentException( 'variable must be a string or positive integer.') if isinstance(variable, str): if self._bound_variables is None: self._bound_variables = dict() if (self._variables is not None and self._variables.get(variable) is None): raise IllegalArgumentException( 'The query does not contain the variable: ' + variable) self._bound_variables[variable] = value return self else: if self._variables is None: name = '#' + str(variable) return self.set_variable(name, value) search_id = variable - 1 for (k, v) in self._variables.items(): if v == search_id: return self.set_variable(k, value) raise IllegalArgumentException( 'There is no external variable at position ' + str(variable))
def topology_info(self): return self._topology_info @synchronized def topology_seq_num(self): return (-1 if self._topology_info is None else self._topology_info.get_seq_num())
[docs] class PutOption(object): """ Set the put option for put requests. """ IF_ABSENT = 0 """Set PutOption.IF_ABSENT to perform put if absent operation.""" IF_PRESENT = 1 """Set PutOption.IF_PRESENT to perform put if present operation.""" IF_VERSION = 2 """Set PutOption.IF_VERSION to perform put if version operation."""
[docs] class ResourcePrincipalClaimKeys(object): """ Claim keys in the resource principal session token(RPST). They can be used to retrieve resource principal metadata such as its compartment and tenancy OCID. """ COMPARTMENT_ID_CLAIM_KEY = 'res_compartment' """ The claim name that the RPST holds for the resource compartment. This can be passed to :py:meth:`borneo.iam.SignatureProvider.get_resource_principal_claim` to retrieve the resource's compartment OCID. """ TENANT_ID_CLAIM_KEY = 'res_tenant' """ The claim name that the RPST holds for the resource tenancy. This can be passed to :py:meth:`borneo.iam.SignatureProvider.get_resource_principal_claim` to retrieve the resource's tenancy OCID. """
class SSLAdapter(adapters.HTTPAdapter): """ Internal use only. An HTTPS Transport Adapter that uses an arbitrary SSLContext. """ def __init__(self, ssl_context=None, **kwargs): self._ssl_context = ssl_context super(SSLAdapter, self).__init__(**kwargs) def init_poolmanager(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['ssl_context'] = self._ssl_context return super(SSLAdapter, self).init_poolmanager(*args, **kwargs) def proxy_manager_for(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['ssl_context'] = self._ssl_context return super(SSLAdapter, self).proxy_manager_for(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class State(object): """ Represents the table state. """ ACTIVE = 'ACTIVE' """Represents the table is active.""" CREATING = 'CREATING' """Represents the table is creating.""" DROPPED = 'DROPPED' """Represents the table is dropped.""" DROPPING = 'DROPPING' """Represents the table is dropping.""" UPDATING = 'UPDATING' """Represents the table is updating."""
[docs] class SystemState(object): """ On-premise only. The current state of the system request. """ COMPLETE = 'COMPLETE' """ The operation is complete and was successful. Failures are thrown as exceptions. """ WORKING = 'WORKING' """The operation is in progress."""
[docs] class Durability(object): """ Durability defines the durability characteristics associated with a standalone write (put or update) operation. This is currently only supported in On-Prem installations. It is ignored in the cloud service. The overall durability is a function of the SYNC_POLICY and ACK_POLICY in effect for the Master, and the SYNC_POLICY in effect for each Replica. SYNC_POLICY represents policies to be used when committing a transaction. High levels of synchronization offer a greater guarantee that the transaction is persistent to disk, but trade that off for lower performance. The possible SYNC_POLICY values are: * SYNC writes and synchronously flushes the log on transaction commit. Transactions exhibit all the ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) properties. * NO_SYNC does not write or synchronously flush the log on transaction commit. Transactions exhibit the ACI (atomicity, consistency, and isolation) properties, but not D (durability); that is, database integrity will be maintained, but if the application or system fails, it is possible some number of the most recently committed transactions may be undone during recovery. The number of transactions at risk is governed by how many log updates can fit into the log buffer, how often the operating system flushes dirty buffers to disk, and how often log checkpoints occur. * WRITE_NO_SYNC writes but does not synchronously flush the log on transaction commit. Transactions exhibit the ACI (atomicity, consistency, and isolation) properties, but not D (durability); that is, database integrity will be maintained, but if the operating system fails, it is possible some number of the most recently committed transactions may be undone during recovery. The number of transactions at risk is governed by how often the operating system flushes dirty buffers to disk, and how often log checkpoints occur. REPLICA_ACK_POLICY defines the policy for how replicated commits are handled. A replicated environment makes it possible to increase an application's transaction commit guarantees by committing changes to its replicas on the network. Possible REPLICA_ACK_POLICY values include: * ALL defines that all replicas must acknowledge that they have committed the transaction. This policy should be selected only if your replication group has a small number of replicas, and those replicas are on extremely reliable networks and servers. * NONE defines that no transaction commit acknowledgments are required and the master will never wait for replica acknowledgments. In this case, transaction durability is determined entirely by the type of commit that is being performed on the master. * SIMPLE_MAJORITY defines that a simple majority of replicas must acknowledge that they have committed the transaction. This acknowledgment policy, in conjunction with an election policy which requires at least a simple majority, ensures that the changes made by the transaction remains durable if a new election is held. The default Durability is configured in the proxy server with which this SDK communicates. It is an optional startup parameter. """ SYNC_POLICY = enum(SYNC=1, NO_SYNC=2, WRITE_NO_SYNC=3) """ SYNC_POLICY """ REPLICA_ACK_POLICY = enum(ALL=1, NONE=2, SIMPLE_MAJORITY=2) """ REPLICA_ACK_POLICY """
[docs] def __init__(self, master_sync, replica_sync, replica_ack): """ Create a Durability object :param master_sync: the master sync policy :type master_sync: SYNC_POLICY :param replica_sync: the replica sync policy :type replica_sync: SYNC_POLICY :param replica_ack: the replica ack policy :type replica_ack: REPLICA_ACK_POLICY """ self.master_sync = master_sync self.replica_sync = replica_sync self.replica_ack = replica_ack
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def validate(self): # an all-zero Durability specifies "use the durability settings on the server." if self.master_sync == 0 and self.replica_sync == 0 and self.replica_ack == 0: return if (self.master_sync != Durability.SYNC_POLICY.SYNC and self.master_sync != Durability.SYNC_POLICY.NO_SYNC and self.master_sync != Durability.SYNC_POLICY.WRITE_NO_SYNC): raise IllegalArgumentException( 'Invalid value for Durability master_sync.') if (self.replica_sync != Durability.SYNC_POLICY.SYNC and self.replica_sync != Durability.SYNC_POLICY.NO_SYNC and self.replica_sync != Durability.SYNC_POLICY.WRITE_NO_SYNC): raise IllegalArgumentException( 'Invalid value for Durability replica_sync.') if (self.replica_ack != Durability.REPLICA_ACK_POLICY.ALL and self.replica_ack != Durability.REPLICA_ACK_POLICY.NONE and self.replica_ack != Durability.REPLICA_ACK_POLICY.SIMPLE_MAJORITY): raise IllegalArgumentException( 'Invalid value for Durability replica_ack.')
[docs] class TableLimits(object): """ Cloud service only. A TableLimits instance is used during table creation to specify the throughput and capacity to be consumed by the table. It is also used in an operation to change the limits of an existing table. :py:meth:`NoSQLHandle.table_request` and :py:class:`TableRequest` are used to perform these operations. These values are enforced by the system and used for billing purposes. Throughput limits are defined in terms of read units and write units. A read unit represents 1 eventually consistent read per second for data up to 1 KB in size. A read that is absolutely consistent is double that, consuming 2 read units for a read of up to 1 KB in size. This means that if an application is to use Consistency.ABSOLUTE it may need to specify additional read units when creating a table. A write unit represents 1 write per second of data up to 1 KB in size. In addition to throughput table capacity must be specified to indicate the maximum amount of storage, in gigabytes, allowed for the table. In provisioned mode, all 3 values must be used whenever using this object. There are no defaults and no mechanism to indicate "no change." In on demand mode, only the storage_gb parameter must be set. :param read_units: the desired throughput of read operation in terms of read units. A read unit represents 1 eventually consistent read per second for data up to 1 KB in size. A read that is absolutely consistent is double that, consuming 2 read units for a read of up to 1 KB in size. :type read_units: int :param write_units: the desired throughput of write operation in terms of write units. A write unit represents 1 write per second of data up to 1 KB in size. :type write_units: int :param storage_gb: the maximum storage to be consumed by the table, in gigabytes. :type storage_gb: int :param mode: the mode of the table: provisioned (the default) or on demand. :type mode: CAPACITY_MODE :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if parameters are not valid. :versionchanged: 5.3.0, added optional CAPACITY_MODE """ """ TableLimits includes an optional mode :versionadded: 5.3.0 """ CAPACITY_MODE = enum(PROVISIONED=1, ON_DEMAND=2) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def __init__(self, read_units, write_units, storage_gb, mode=CAPACITY_MODE.PROVISIONED): """ Creates a TableLimits object :param read_units: the desired throughput of read operation in terms of read units. A read unit represents 1 eventually consistent read per second for data up to 1 KB in size. A read that is absolutely consistent is double that, consuming 2 read units for a read of up to 1 KB in size. :type read_units: int :param write_units: the desired throughput of write operation in terms of write units. A write unit represents 1 write per second of data up to 1 KB in size. :type write_units: int :param storage_gb: the maximum storage to be consumed by the table, in gigabytes. :type storage_gb: int :param mode: the mode of the table: provisioned (the default) or on demand. :type mode: CAPACITY_MODE :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if parameters are not valid. :versionchanged: 5.3.0, added optional CAPACITY_MODE """ # Constructs a TableLimits instance. self._mode = None CheckValue.check_int(read_units, 'read_units') CheckValue.check_int(write_units, 'write_units') CheckValue.check_int(storage_gb, 'storage_gb') self._read_units = read_units self._write_units = write_units self._storage_gb = storage_gb self.set_mode(mode)
def __str__(self): return ('[' + str(self._read_units) + ', ' + str(self._write_units) + ', ' + str(self._storage_gb) + ']')
[docs] def set_read_units(self, read_units): """ Sets the read throughput in terms of read units. :param read_units: the throughput to use, in read units. :type read_units: int :returns: self. :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if read_units is not a integer. """ CheckValue.check_int(read_units, 'read_units') self._read_units = read_units return self
[docs] def get_read_units(self): """ Returns the read throughput in terms of read units. :returns: the read units. :rtype: int """ return self._read_units
[docs] def set_write_units(self, write_units): """ Sets the write throughput in terms of write units. :param write_units: the throughput to use, in write units. :type write_units: int :returns: self. :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if write_units is not a integer. """ CheckValue.check_int(write_units, 'write_units') self._write_units = write_units return self
[docs] def get_write_units(self): """ Returns the write throughput in terms of write units. :returns: the write units. :rtype: int """ return self._write_units
[docs] def set_storage_gb(self, storage_gb): """ Sets the storage capacity in gigabytes. :param storage_gb: the capacity to use, in gigabytes. :type storage_gb: int :returns: self. :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if storage_gb is not a integer. """ CheckValue.check_int(storage_gb, 'storage_gb') self._storage_gb = storage_gb return self
[docs] def get_storage_gb(self): """ Returns the storage capacity in gigabytes. :returns: the storage capacity in gigabytes. :rtype: int """ return self._storage_gb
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def set_mode(self, mode): """ Sets the mode of the table: PROVISIONED: Fixed maximum read/write units. This is the default. ON_DEMAND: Flexible read/write limits. :param mode: the capacity to use, in gigabytes. :type mode: TableLimits.CAPACITY_MODE :returns: self. :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if mode is invalid. :versionadded: 5.3.0 """ if (mode != TableLimits.CAPACITY_MODE.PROVISIONED and mode != TableLimits.CAPACITY_MODE.ON_DEMAND): raise IllegalArgumentException( 'TableLimits mode must be one of PROVISIONED or ON_DEMAND') self._mode = mode
[docs] def get_mode(self): """ Returns the capacity mode of the table. :returns: mode: PROVISIONED or ON_DEMAND :versionadded: 5.3.0 """ return self._mode
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def validate(self): if self._storage_gb <= 0: raise IllegalArgumentException( 'TableLimits values must be non-negative.') if (self._mode != TableLimits.CAPACITY_MODE.ON_DEMAND and (self._read_units <= 0 or self._write_units <= 0)): raise IllegalArgumentException( 'TableLimits values must be non-negative.')
class TableUsage(object): """ TableUsage represents a single usage record, or slice, that includes information about read and write throughput consumed during that period as well as the current information regarding storage capacity. In addition the count of throttling exceptions for the period is reported. """ def __init__(self, start_time_ms, seconds_in_period, read_units, write_units, storage_gb, read_throttle_count, write_throttle_count, storage_throttle_count, max_shard_usage_percent): # Internal use only. self._start_time_ms = start_time_ms self._seconds_in_period = seconds_in_period self._read_units = read_units self._write_units = write_units self._storage_gb = storage_gb self._read_throttle_count = read_throttle_count self._write_throttle_count = write_throttle_count self._storage_throttle_count = storage_throttle_count self._max_shard_usage_percent = max_shard_usage_percent def __str__(self): return ('TableUsage [start_time_ms=' + str(self._start_time_ms) + ', seconds_in_period=' + str(self._seconds_in_period) + ', read_units=' + str(self._read_units) + ', write_units=' + str(self._write_units) + ', storage_gb=' + str(self._storage_gb) + ', read_throttle_count=' + str(self._read_throttle_count) + ', write_throttle_count=' + str(self._write_throttle_count) + ', storage_throttle_count=' + str(self._storage_throttle_count) + ', max_shard_usage_percent=' + str(self._max_shard_usage_percent) + ']') def get_start_time(self): """ Returns the start time for this usage record in milliseconds since the Epoch. :returns: the start time. :rtype: int """ return self._start_time_ms def get_start_time_string(self): """ Returns the start time as an ISO 8601 formatted string. If the start timestamp is not set, None is returned. :returns: the start time, or None if not set. :rtype: str or None """ if self._start_time_ms == 0: return None return datetime.fromtimestamp( float(self._start_time_ms) / 1000).replace( tzinfo=tz.UTC).isoformat() def get_seconds_in_period(self): """ Returns the number of seconds in this usage record. :returns: the number of seconds. :rtype: int """ return self._seconds_in_period def get_read_units(self): """ Returns the number of read units consumed during this period. :returns: the read units. :rtype: int """ return self._read_units def get_write_units(self): """ Returns the number of write units consumed during this period. :returns: the write units. :rtype: int """ return self._write_units def get_storage_gb(self): """ Returns the amount of storage consumed by the table. This information may be out of date as it is not maintained in real time. :returns: the size in gigabytes. :rtype: int """ return self._storage_gb def get_read_throttle_count(self): """ Returns the number of read throttling exceptions on this table in the time period. :returns: the number of throttling exceptions. :rtype: int """ return self._read_throttle_count def get_write_throttle_count(self): """ Returns the number of write throttling exceptions on this table in the time period. :returns: the number of throttling exceptions. :rtype: int """ return self._write_throttle_count def get_storage_throttle_count(self): """ Returns the number of storage throttling exceptions on this table in the time period. :returns: the number of throttling exceptions. :rtype: int """ return self._storage_throttle_count def get_max_shard_usage_percent(self): """ Returns the percentage of allowed storage usage for the shard with the highest usage percentage across all table shards. This can be used as a gauge of toal storage available as well as a hint for key distribution. :returns: the percentage :rtype: int :versionadded: 5.4.0 """ return self._max_shard_usage_percent
[docs] class TimeUnit(object): """ The time unit to use. """ HOURS = 1 """Set TimeUnit.HOURS to use hour as time unit""" DAYS = 2 """Set TimeUnit.DAYS to use day as time unit"""
[docs] class TimeToLive(object): """ TimeToLive is a utility class that represents a period of time, similar to java.time.Duration in Java, but specialized to the needs of this driver. This class is restricted to durations of days and hours. It is only used as input related to time to live (TTL) for row instances. Construction allows only day and hour durations for efficiency reasons. Durations of days are recommended as they result in the least amount of storage overhead. Only positive durations are allowed on input. :param value: value of time. :type value: int :param timeunit: unit of time, cannot be None. :type timeunit: TimeUnit :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if parameters are not expected type. """ def __init__(self, value, timeunit): """ All construction is done via this constructor, which validates the arguments. """ CheckValue.check_int(value, 'value') if (timeunit is None or timeunit != TimeUnit.DAYS and timeunit != TimeUnit.HOURS): raise IllegalArgumentException( 'Invalid time unit in TimeToLive construction. Must be ' + 'not-none and should be DAYS or HOURS.') self._value = value self._timeunit = timeunit def __str__(self): timeunit = 'HOURS' if self._timeunit == TimeUnit.HOURS else 'DAYS' return str(self._value) + ' ' + timeunit
[docs] @staticmethod def of_hours(hours): """ Creates a duration using a period of hours. :param hours: the number of hours in the duration, must be a non-negative number. :type hours: int :returns: the duration. :rtype: TimeToLive :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if a negative value is provided. """ CheckValue.check_int_ge_zero(hours, 'hours') return TimeToLive(hours, TimeUnit.HOURS)
[docs] @staticmethod def of_days(days): """ Creates a duration using a period of 24 hour days. :param days: the number of days in the duration, must be a non-negative number. :type days: int :returns: the duration. :rtype: TimeToLive :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if a negative value is provided. """ CheckValue.check_int_ge_zero(days, 'days') return TimeToLive(days, TimeUnit.DAYS)
[docs] def to_days(self): """ Returns the number of days in this duration, which may be negative. :returns: the number of days. :rtype: int """ return (self._value if self._timeunit == TimeUnit.DAYS else self._value // 24)
[docs] def to_hours(self): """ Returns the number of hours in this duration, which may be negative. :returns: the number of hours. :rtype: int """ return (self._value if self._timeunit == TimeUnit.HOURS else self._value * 24)
[docs] def to_expiration_time(self, reference_time): """ Returns an absolute time representing the duration plus the absolute time reference parameter. If an expiration time from the current time is desired the parameter should be the current system time in millisecond. If the duration of this object is 0, indicating no expiration time, this method will return 0, regardless of the reference time. :param reference_time: an absolute time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970. :type reference_time: int :returns: time in milliseconds, 0 if this object's duration is 0. :rtype: int :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if reference_time is not positive. """ CheckValue.check_int_gt_zero(reference_time, 'reference_time') if self._value == 0: return 0 hours = 24 if self._timeunit == TimeUnit.DAYS else 1 return reference_time + hours * self._value * 60 * 60 * 1000
[docs] def get_value(self): """ Returns the numeric duration value. :returns: the duration value, independent of unit. :rtype: int """ return self._value
[docs] def get_unit(self): """ Returns the time unit used for the duration. :returns: the timeunit. :rtype: TimeUnit """ return self._timeunit
def unit_is_days(self): return self._timeunit == TimeUnit.DAYS def unit_is_hours(self): return self._timeunit == TimeUnit.HOURS
[docs] class UserInfo(object): """ On-premise only. A class that encapsulates the information associated with a user including the user id and name in the system. """ def __init__(self, user_id, user_name): """ Constructs an instance of UserInfo as result returned by :py:meth:`NoSQLHandle.list_users`. """ self._user_id = user_id self._user_name = user_name def __str__(self): return 'id: ' + self._user_id + ', name: ' + self._user_name
[docs] def get_id(self): """ Returns the id associated with the user. :returns: the user id string. :rtype: str """ return self._user_id
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Returns the name associated with the user. :returns: the user name string. :rtype: str """ return self._user_name
[docs] class Version(object): """ Version is an opaque class that represents the version of a row in the database. It is returned by successful :py:class:`GetRequest` and can be used in :py:meth:`PutRequest.set_match_version` and :py:meth:`DeleteRequest.set_match_version` to conditionally perform those operations to ensure an atomic read-modify-write cycle. This is an opaque object from an application perspective. Use of Version in this way adds cost to operations so it should be done only if necessary. :param version: a bytearray. :type version: bytearray :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if version is not a bytearray. """ def __init__(self, version): Version._check_version(version) self._version = version
[docs] def get_bytes(self): """ Returns the bytearray from the Version. :returns: the bytearray from the Version. :rtype: bytearray """ return self._version
[docs] @staticmethod def create_version(version): """ Returns an instance of :py:class:`Version`. :param version: a bytearray or None. :type version: bytearray :returns: an instance of Version. :rtype: Version :raises IllegalArgumentException: raises the exception if version is not a bytearray or None. """ if version is None: return None return Version(version)
@staticmethod def _check_version(version): if not isinstance(version, bytearray): raise IllegalArgumentException( 'version must be an bytearray. Got:' + str(version))